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Frequently Asked Questions

What is theMARKET by Teleflora?

theMARKET by Teleflora is a website designed specifically for Teleflora member florists. This site enables large and small shops alike to benefit from the cost efficiencies and product availabilities of buying wholesale, directly from the world floral market. Teleflora leverages the size of the florist network to negotiate and source the best possible floral products at great prices. This allows Teleflora members to not only save on their everyday purchases, but on high-end, specialty and add-on items that can significantly increase their sales and profits.

How do I sign up for theMARKET?

As a Teleflora member florist have full access to the products offered on theMARKET. You can click through from myteleflora.com or login directly at www.telefloramarket.com. If you need additional assistance, please contact our dedicated customer service team at 800.794.8288. If you are not a Teleflora member and would like to inquire about becoming a member, please contact Teleflora Membership at 800.421.2815.

How can I place an order?

The ordering process is simple and convenient. Florists may place orders online or by calling our dedicated sales team at 800.794.8288, Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST.

How can I pay for an order?

All transactions on theMARKET are conveniently billed to the Teleflora Clearinghouse Statement or to your preferred credit card.

Are there any monthly fees, registration costs or additional charges?

No. theMARKET is a FREE resource for Teleflora members.

What types of products do you offer?

Teleflora member florists can purchase an extensive selection of Teleflora everyday containers, exclusive holiday keepsakes, as well as clearance containers. 

How are the products shipped?

All Teleflora containers are generally shipped via UPS or FedEx.

Who should I call for questions and additional details?

You can contact us anytime online at themarket.myteleflora.com or call our dedicated support team at 800.794.8288.

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